Christie Hospital

CBO Transport, working with IBI Taylor Young and Ecosgen, prepared a development framework for the Christie Hospital in South Manchester. The Christie is an internationally renowned cancer care hospital which as well as treating patients is also a centre of excellence for cancer research.

Transport was a key element of the framework driven primarily by car parking which can cause significant problems both on site and in the surrounding area.

CBO worked with staff at the hospital on their travel plan. This was a key requirement of Manchester City Council who have concerns about granting planning permission for additional onsite car parking, despite of course being fully supportive of the hospital. They want the hospital to minimise the use of cars by staff through the development of their travel plan.

Building on this work with the travel plan, using data from parking surveys and looking at the likely changes in travel demand associated with the Trust's development programme, CBO has advised on access and parking elements of the development framework.

The work presented now forms the basis of ongoing development at Christie's.

  • Development Framework
  • The Christie Parking Site Map

CBO News